Jason Bateman was 50 years ago : did you know that he had started in… The Little house on the prairie ?

While the star of “a’s arrested Development” and “How to kill his Boss” celebrates 50 years today, remember his first role on television in… “the Little house on The prairie”. FAMEFLYNET / BESTIMAGE / Universal Pictures Star of the large and small screen career as long as the arm, Jason Bateman, which today celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, has shown through his roles in comedy hits such as How to kill his Boss or Game Night. Interpreter voice main Disney Zootopie, it takes mostly the leading role of the comedy series’s arrested Development now for 5 seasons. But did you know that at the age of 11 years, he had made his first steps on television in another hit series ? It was in 1980, on the set of Little house on The prairie, during the filming of The last chance, episode 21 of season 7. Charles Ingalls and Albert were the helpless witnesses of a terrible accident in the cart that caused the death of a couple of farmers, a father and a mother of two children. Now orphans, the young, James and Cassandra were finally adopted by the family Ingalls, becoming two new main characters of the series over the course of the following episodes. Cassandra, the younger sister, was interpreted by Missy Francis, who has not really been a career. And James, the big brother, so it was Jason Bateman. While at the time, he was only appeared in an advertisement for the cereal Golden Grahams, comedian in grass lived there his first moments as an actor. Memories that seem to have left a lasting impression, as he confided still in interview for Variety in August 2017 : “This troupe of actors have known each other since Bonanza, and how they functioned was very family-friendly,” he told. “It was a warm place, I kept the memory during the years that followed, when I arrived on trays that worked less well. Michael Landon [note : the interpreter of Charles Ingalls and creator of the series] was someone who had a huge influence on me, in his way of directing this plateau as a director, producer, screenwriter and actor. It was a sort of father figure for me. He was the George Clooney of the time : the whole team loved it, the industry loved him, guys wanted to be like him and women wanted to be with him.” On the occasion of its 50 years, (re)discover the interview Fun Fact: Jason Bateman… #Fun Facts Emissions Bonus

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