To help you make your choice, here are the 3 movies of the week best rated by the press on AlloCiné ! 1 : the Silence of The other average Note press* : 4.3 / 5 the Silence of The other By Almudena Carracedo,Robert Bahar average Rating of the press : 4,3 Sessions Critical Press Critical spectators
“To say that “the Silence of The other” is a fascinating film would be an understatement. Documented with a precision of a goldsmith, the story proves to be especially hard-hitting in its realization, between archival images and testimonies. “By Antoine Fu (The Express) “one of the strongest moments of the “Silence of others” is the one where a lady very old is presented the skull of a man buried in a common grave. It is said when we know, through DNA, that he is his father. She exclaims, in tears : “He spent his whole life here…” ” By Jean-Baptiste Morain (Les Inrockuptibles) 2nd : Vice average Rating press* : 3.9 / 5 Vice Of Adam McKay average Rating of the press : 3,9 Sessions Critical Press Critical spectators

“Adam McKay realizes a tour-de-force : we instruct with intelligence and humor on the success story of the most dramatic that America has known in recent years. “By Isabelle Danel (Bande à part)
“All of this is obviously pithy, biased up the kitsch, and it is this matter that Vice wants to knead : the cartoon and the rant. (…) Vice acknowledges that, from now on, all shots are allowed, and this is its main virtue. “By Cyril Béghin (Cahiers du Cinema) 3rd : Two sons average Rating press* : 3.7 / 5 Two sons Of Félix Moati average Rating of the press : 3,8 Sessions Critical Press Critical spectators

“For his first feature film, Felix Moati has designed a family out of balance on a fragile thread. By following this trio fragile, it enters the great court. Endearing. ” by Nathalie Simon (Le Figaro )
“Slight and metaphysical at the same time, this film is used by actors, restraint and dialogues incredibly funny.” by The editor (Le Parisien) * According to notes media barometer-AlloCiné, on the date of Friday, February 15, 2019, and for movies released on the 13th of February with at least 10 reviews.

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In the next episode of “Plus belle la vie”… So that the life of Thérèse and Gabriel does more than one thread, the suspicions of Emma and Baptiste will wear on Jordan. Kevin tries to protect Jenny, but at what price ? Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Plus Belle la vie broadcast tomorrow evening on France 3 ! Jordan, guilty ideal trapped in the cave for several days, Theresa and Gabriel, exhausted and dehydrated, can’t hold out very long. While Thomas and Baptist mobilize the people to do a search in the hope to find, Thérèse remembers to have seen Jordan in the city before his departure. Panicked, she thinks that he came to Marseille to take revenge : when they were at home together, Teresa has lied to protect his brother after one of his escapades, and this is Jordan, who has been sent home to recover from his place. And it has not so wrong : in GTS, Emma discovers that Jordan was hired as a delivery driver, has spent the advance that had been entrusted to Vincent, and has stolen items in them… His goal is clear : to pay the Baptist, that he has spoiled his future. It doesn’t take much for that Baptiste and Emma go to the police station to denounce… Kevin in danger, Kevin pays a visit to Jenny in her room in Heaven to bring him food. Not supporting more to be locked up, the girl announces to him that she goes out to walk in the city. Kevin is worried that she can cross the road to Syd, but could not prevent it come and go, he asks his mother to keep an eye on it. Still haunted by his dream that he thought premonitory, Jerome decides to follow Jenny quietly, and surprises her by kissing Syd. His anxieties are far from resolved… Madison – 1, Céline – 0 The coexistence between Celine and Madison, is complicated : in fact, as soon as Frank leaves the room, the dog began to growl on his girlfriend ! It must go to the obviousness of the problem when the necklace that he has given to his beloved disappears to find himself… In the stomach of the animal ! Driving in emergency to the veterinarian, Madison rejects the jewel by natural means, what Franck guard well to tell Celine him making the necklace, but Noah sells the wick by accident. Seizure of disgust, Céline them immediately ! Plus Belle la Vie : Manon Bresch (Theresa) is leaving the Mistral

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What brand of cereal has won the favors of the public ? What end has not been privileged ? Netflix communicates the numbers and enthusiasm for the future of the stories interactive. Netflix Netflix, and the numbers have always been a tricky subject, and even an open secret, the giant of the streaming not being particularly partageur, except for advertising of historical records. Only the firm has decided to communicate more with Bandersnatch, the episode interactive Black Mirror.

On the biggest day of Stefan”s life, over 60% of his friends from the future fed him Frosties.— Black Mirror (@blackmirror) 17 January 2019

As a logical consequence after having shared our choice on the social networks, Netflix decides to offer a small return of experience in providing some figures on the tracks favoured or neglected. Thus, we learn that more than 60% of the users have preferred the Frosties with Sugar Puffs or that 73% have chosen to accept the work Tuckersoft. More interesting, was revealed on Twitter the end the least popular :

Relax. It’s hard to predict the future!

And it’s even more difficult to change the past.

Out of the 5 main endings, the one where Stefan goes on the train with his mum *fights tears* was the path least traveled.https://t. co/NhxbbmSzZj — NX (@NXOnNetflix) 17 January 2019

A priori, the users do not have privileged emotion. In fact, no redemption for Stefan, the end, where he joined his mother to take the famous train has not won the vote and is the one that saves the results of the leaner.

In revealing these figures, Reed Hastings and Netflix may want to be transparent. A probable answer to the questions raised by some critics who were able to see in this succession of multiple-choice questions as a means to target a little more of our choices in order to refine the algorithms, or communicate such information to partner brands. One side of a paradox when we know that Black Mirror owes its reputation to the warning regular of technological change on our societies.

Ted Sarandos, head of content on Netflix, can celebrate the success of the experience Bandersnatch and begin to envision a future for future stories interactive, stating that several authors “salivaient” already on the new opportunities that were available to them. The only question for the managers of the firm is to know if the success depends on the experience itself or the fact that it worked particularly well with the universe of Black Mirror . Ted Sarandos has “a hunch that it could work with different types of stories, “and that” some of the greatest authors seemed inclined to address “. Netflix has developed its own computer program to facilitate the creation of different branches of narrative. There is little doubt that the experience will be renewed in one form or another. Check out all the easter eggs and winks to the previous episodes of Black Mirror : See the slide show slide show Black Mirror Bandersnatch : all the easter eggs and winks to previous episodes and 10 photos

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Podium tight for the first sessions in paris : “My Life with John F. Donovan” by Xavier Dolan takes the lead, closely followed by the comedies “the Rebels” and “My Baby”. Check out the complete table. Shayne Laverdière RangFilmEntrées*Number of copies*Average per copy*1 My life with John F. Donovan 1 645 26 63 2 Rebels 1 543 20 77 3 My baby 1 405 25 59 4 Convoy exceptional 1 081 15 72 5 Dragon Ball Super Broly 713 11 65 6 Aïlo : an odyssey in Lapland 279 11 25 7 The witnesses of Lendsdorf 238 8 30 8 McQueen 65 1 65 9 Rosie Davis 58 2 29 10 Meltem 55 1 55 11 We the Animals 26 3 9 12 Since Mediapart 15 1 15 13 The small factory of clouds 15 4 8 14 Teret 13 2 7 15 Honeymoon 9 1 9 16 Pau 4 1 4 17 Schindler’s list (reprise) 3 1 3 18 Wall 3 1 3 remember : My Life with John F. Donovan , the new film by Xavier Dolan starts less strong than Just the end of the world, presented in competition at Cannes in 2016 : this movie had brought together more than 2900 followers of the filmmaker to the first screenings in paris. Rebel , directed by Allan Mauduit, co-director of Wicked, is better than the comedy carried by Marilou Berry, who had recorded 1046 entries in the first sessions in 2008. 10 years after LOL, Lisa Azuelos has created a new family comedy, My baby , cradled in the continuity of this success to the director. The film carried by Sandrine Kiberlain starts a little less well than LOL, by uniting 1405 spectators, compared to 1975 (19 copies) for LOL in 2009. Finally, Bertrand Blier is at the foot of the podium with Exceptional Convoy , his new feature film after The Noise of the ice in 2010. Exceptional convoy is less with 1081 curious counter 1637 to his previous film. Our meeting with Kit Harington for the release of the new film by Xavier Dolan, My Life with John F. Donovan : Kit Harington on John F Donovan : "With Xavier Dolan, you really need to let go" Source : CBO Box-Office

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While the star of “a’s arrested Development” and “How to kill his Boss” celebrates 50 years today, remember his first role on television in… “the Little house on The prairie”. FAMEFLYNET / BESTIMAGE / Universal Pictures Star of the large and small screen career as long as the arm, Jason Bateman, which today celebrates its fiftieth anniversary, has shown through his roles in comedy hits such as How to kill his Boss or Game Night. Interpreter voice main Disney Zootopie, it takes mostly the leading role of the comedy series’s arrested Development now for 5 seasons. But did you know that at the age of 11 years, he had made his first steps on television in another hit series ? It was in 1980, on the set of Little house on The prairie, during the filming of The last chance, episode 21 of season 7. Charles Ingalls and Albert were the helpless witnesses of a terrible accident in the cart that caused the death of a couple of farmers, a father and a mother of two children. Now orphans, the young, James and Cassandra were finally adopted by the family Ingalls, becoming two new main characters of the series over the course of the following episodes. Cassandra, the younger sister, was interpreted by Missy Francis, who has not really been a career. And James, the big brother, so it was Jason Bateman. While at the time, he was only appeared in an advertisement for the cereal Golden Grahams, comedian in grass lived there his first moments as an actor. Memories that seem to have left a lasting impression, as he confided still in interview for Variety in August 2017 : “This troupe of actors have known each other since Bonanza, and how they functioned was very family-friendly,” he told. “It was a warm place, I kept the memory during the years that followed, when I arrived on trays that worked less well. Michael Landon [note : the interpreter of Charles Ingalls and creator of the series] was someone who had a huge influence on me, in his way of directing this plateau as a director, producer, screenwriter and actor. It was a sort of father figure for me. He was the George Clooney of the time : the whole team loved it, the industry loved him, guys wanted to be like him and women wanted to be with him.” On the occasion of its 50 years, (re)discover the interview Fun Fact: Jason Bateman… #Fun Facts Emissions Bonus

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